Wednesday 24 September 2014

This term, I learnt: how to write a persuasive piece of writing. Persuasive writing is meant to persuade the reader to your point.

The thing I enjoyed the most this term: is math it was fun because Emma came in the my class and she is my cousin. !!!awesome!!!

I am most proud of maths whizz because I have achieved heaps.

Next term I want to achieve staying on task

I want to get more faster at getting my work done .


  1. I can tell that you have put some thought into this reflection, Kieran - well done! I am pleased you mention your persuasive writing, as you did such a fantastic job with this. You worked really hard during the time we were learning about this kind of writing, and then wrote a few fantastic pieces of your own. Is the only reason you have enjoyed maths because Emma came in for a little bit? Or were there other reasons, too (like how well you are doing)? A great focus for next term, Kieran. You have made such huge improvements with staying focused, and I am so proud of you for that, but still a great thing to continue to work on. Way to go, Kieran :-D

  2. Hi Miss Simmons thank you for helping me with all of the pieces of persuasive writing. I will change the math part and I will put more reasons about math. I think I have stayed on task a bit better than last term I'm proud of myself.

    From Kieran
