Sunday 28 September 2014

Wild animals

Don’t you like going to the zoo and seeing smart funny animals? Isn’t it fun and amazing being able to see animals you wouldn’t normally see? I strongly believe that animals should be kept zoos for everyone to see and enjoy.

Firstly, zoos work together to help the animal to keep them safe and make sure that  they don't become extinct.If the animals are in the wild the species might go extinct so the zoos work together so that does not happen.  Zoos help animals to breed so the species does not become extinct.  

Secondly, people can see animals they would never be able to see in the wild. Zoos have animals like lions and tigers which are from Africa.  We wouldn’t normally be able to see them because Africa is so far away. But zoos allow us to see these animals.  

Lastly, the animals enclosures reflect their natural habitat. They have grass, trees and look like the wild so the animal can survive and are happy.
Zookeeper clean the animals enclosures and make sure that the animals are healthy and get to eat whenever they want.

I think that wild animals should be kept in zoos because zoos work together to keep the animals safe, people can see animals they would never see and the animal enclosures reflect their natural habitat. As you can see, I am obviously right!


  1. Cool Kieran I think that animals should be put in zoos (especially extinct) too.
    You also have lots of automatics great job and keep it up!

  2. Thank you for agreeing with me I think it is cool to.
    From Kieran
