Thursday 19 November 2015


Rice is a yummy food that can be made into lots of things.

What is rice
Rice is a seed that you can eat when cooked by being steamed or boiled.

Where does rice come from
Rice comes from rice plants. The top four countries that makes the most rice are China, Bangladesh, Thailand and United states.

How rice is before it is harvested
Rice comes from a rice plant and it looks like long long grass. The people that plant the rice have to make the paddock muddy and then flood it this is called a paddy.

How rice is used
Rice is used to make sushi, fried rice, sticky rice and normal rice and they eat it with soy sauce and other sauces or no sauce.
Who uses rice the most
The country that use rice the most are Vietnam, Thailand and United states

I prefer sushi over fried rice. And I am now amazed about rice.Image result for rise plantImage result for rice

1 comment:

  1. A well written report Kieran. We learnt a lot about rice
