Thursday 3 December 2015

Homework Tom gate

Tom Gates loves doodling so he did some and didn't do his work. The teacher came pasted and saw that he wasn't doing his work and he got a detention.

Thursday 19 November 2015


Rice is a yummy food that can be made into lots of things.

What is rice
Rice is a seed that you can eat when cooked by being steamed or boiled.

Where does rice come from
Rice comes from rice plants. The top four countries that makes the most rice are China, Bangladesh, Thailand and United states.

How rice is before it is harvested
Rice comes from a rice plant and it looks like long long grass. The people that plant the rice have to make the paddock muddy and then flood it this is called a paddy.

How rice is used
Rice is used to make sushi, fried rice, sticky rice and normal rice and they eat it with soy sauce and other sauces or no sauce.
Who uses rice the most
The country that use rice the most are Vietnam, Thailand and United states

I prefer sushi over fried rice. And I am now amazed about rice.Image result for rise plantImage result for rice

Monday 2 November 2015


My Mum asked me do you want to go to Max’s I say YES So I get a bag ready. I staffed same clothes in my bag as well as a slingshot. We drove to Max’s. First we go to a really high tree hut IT IS 3 STORY no one knows it is three story they think it is 2. We found this 3rd story and cleaned it up, cut of some branches and made a look out. Once I get down the 150 stairs I run in the house to get my slingshot while Max is making a target. Once I get up those stairs Max says “ We really need to make them better ” Let get SLINGING!!!!! I go first and get just off the bullseye Max gets just off the bullseye as well. We go again I get bullseye he gets bullseye as well. We go inside to have dinner it is almost time for me to go. I go home at 8 o’clock and tell Mum all about my time with Max. IT WAS FUN.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Funny / Sore Days

Funny / Sore Days

One day when I felt energetic I felt like flipping on to the couch and I did so I did it again and again you can probably tell it was fun. After about 4 or 5 times my brother was there sitting by the couch and he pulled off the cushions that were on the couch when I was in mid air… and I flipped on the couch. I started screaming as hard as I can from the top of my lungs I thought I chipped my tailbone I couldn't walk for 2-3 days have you ever done that I bet you haven't. That is my FUNNY / SORE DAYS.

Friday 4 September 2015

Room 3 , 4 and 5 are moving in the hall For the rest of the year while the hubs are getting made. Here are some pictures of the hall at the moment.  

This is when we are doing a Scavenger Hunt online.
This is the design that Dss rocket designers
thought of.
This is when we are doing buddy time.
This is when this group is having a talk with each other.

I have hyperlinked a document on to each photo.  

Thursday 27 August 2015


As I come across the sloppy, muddy bank I hear footsteps of someone that’s not me. I look down and all it is is my shadow. I start talking to it. It cried “YUCK how can you run through that mud it’s torture” I’m used to it. Now can you stop talking to me you’re so annoying . As the race goes by my shadow picks up speed and gets in front of me. That little egg  is beating me. I think I can catch up to him and run in front of him but he won’t let me. I’m getting annoyed at him and my luck just goes away. We get to the finish line. I sprint but he sprints faster. He comes 17th and I came 18th. That was my worst day ever.


Monday 17 August 2015

Soccer Ball

Dear Mother

Soccer ball

Don’t you just love having a ball at your house when you want it don’t you? well I do. I strongly believe that I should get a soccer ball because i’m desperate and my ball is old.

Firstly I want a nike ball because my old ball is broken, rubbish and daunting to look at. Also get embarrassed when friends come over that not good. Also it is handy to have a ball around the house because you can play outside and not get stuck on technology.

Image result for nike ball

Secondly I want a soccer ball so I can practice at home and get a lot better so I can get a lot of goals on the field. If I don’t get a soccer ball I’ll not be able to carry on with soccer and that will be a disaster please don't let that happen.

Lastly the bad things about the ball is that if I don’t get a new ball I will get stuck with my other bad ball NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!. The good thing about getting a ball are i’ll be getting better at soccer because I will practise and that is Amazing!!!!!!.

Now I hope that you agree with me about my new soccer ball. I will practise and keep playing soccer so please Mum.

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Cross Country Goal

My goal for Cross Country:

  1. To get a good score like 20th.
  2. I want to challenge my self by trying not to walk.

The next day (Cross Country)

I completed the first goal to come in the 20th I came 17th.
I completed the second goal to I didn't walk at all. 

Monday 3 August 2015

My goal for my next piece of persuasive writing

1. Use more of facts, exaggerating and questions for my next piece of persuasive writing.
2. I need to put more reason.
3. I need a conclusion.

Thursday 30 July 2015

My first try of a persuasive writing this year.

Make Holidays Longer

Don’t you love when you have lots of time to do
what you only want? Well I do. I strongly believe that the holidays should be 3 weeks long not 2. Here are some reasons below why I think the school holidays must be longer.  

School holidays must be longer so that families who want to travel out of New Zealand can. If you go somewhere far away and stay for a couple of day you will come back home and be tired.   

Wednesday 22 July 2015

My Holiday

Mum went to Wellington on the 19th of July 2015 for a funeral director course. This means that they go to Wellington to learn and qualify for their job. It was quite sad when Mum left for Wellington but I know that she is going to come back. Mum's plane was quite big and we waved good bye and went home to nana and poppa’s place.
Mum will be home in 2 weeks time.

Tuesday 30 June 2015



Last Tuesday was the big day. Once all the J-rockers got to school we grouped in the hall and found out what car where going into get to Claudlands. When we got to Claudlands we go to our changing room and put our bags down. All of the J-rockers and stage challengers go the Auditorium and have a party and the teachers played a game to see who is going first. We are first oh no!!!.  

We go back to our changing room and wait for our turn to have 3 rehearsals the first one was fun the but second one was alright and third one was boring I’d just had enough I was tired. Thank goodness that was the third but then there was a long wait...

As I wait I eat all of my lunch and morning tea, I go outside and play tag and jigilo. Then after all
the waiting and stress it is finally our time we are first so we have to give 120% for tonight. I take 1 step 2 step 3 steps and get in precision and the music starts and we start and I have a wonderfull time and the crowd was massive and that was my AWESOME night!!!!.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Marble Run
Yesterday Tusday 20 of may the people that didn't go to the rugby\netball funday did a technology challenge. We had to make a marble run and we only had limited amount of gear we could use.
We had to make go three meters my team didn’t get it three meters but we had fun.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

As I listen to the boring instructions I stare at the enormous cliff face and realize that I’m nervous. When I am all suited up I wait for my turn. It is so terrifying to watch my best friend go down Papa bear, it is so huge and dangers I don’t want him to fall.

As I puff walking up the never ending hill to up the stoney cliff I, notice that there is a smelly dark spot I don’t stop I just keep going. I remember Damien said there is a possum that smells so bad. When I get to Mamma bear I look down the face I get so much more nervous and I wait…

As I wait an endless amount of butterfly crawl in to my belly it isn’t a good feeling. The day goes bye and the line gets smaller it is my turn now, I leen and put my foot on the cliff face I start to walk back my hand shiver like a tornado. Befor I know it I’m at the bottom I feel like I could of died I was so brave.

I watch all of the other student and they are so wonderful it make wonder how I did I was probably bad compared to them. They go down one by one and they making me so jealous that I walk away and go eat some damper and watch the eles.
The End


Thursday 30 April 2015


Heroism, Leadership, Sacrifice and Comradeship are qualities to do with war. What do they mean?
Heroism-Bravery/Courage. Leadership-Be a leader. Sacrifice-Giving/Surrender. Comradeship-Friendship/Fellows

How is ANZAC day remembered in our town?
We have ceremonies to thank the people who went to war and fought.

How is ANZAC day remembered in our town?
We wear poppies to remember the Anzac soldiers that went to war and fought for our country.

Why is the poppy used as the flower for ANZAC?
To remember the Anzac soldiers.

Soldiers went overseas to fight. All the women and children and some men stayed at home.
How were these peoples lives affected by the war? What sort of things did they have to do while the men were away fighting?
There lives are affected because their family might not come back from the war.

What are some of the things that are important to you and your family. How might these be affected if you lived in a warzone?
My great great great great uncles medals and if we lived in a warzone we might get seen with them on and they might take them off us.

What sort of mascots did they have?

Dogs, Birds, Cats, Donkey, Goat and Monkey.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Rippa rugby

Yesterday Kowhai team two got taught how to play rippa rugby. It was fabuouls because we got to run around ripping tags off of the balts. We had a game of rippa rugby I didn’t get a try but the blue team won and I was in that team. we got taught by this person called Michael.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Summer Is

Yummy fish & crunchy chips on the beach
bright red sun set blinding us one by one.

I remember getting ice cream from Mr Whippy but when I get back to the house it was gone.

Camping in the back yard with all my friends
screaming on the top of our lungs like baby girls.

I remember my towel getting smushed into the sand.

Having a steaming B.B.Q night after night and staffing all my food down my throat so I can have podding.

Burning hot dogs smothered in tomato sauce frying my tummy when I swallow.


Tuesday 17 February 2015

Muscle Kitchen

Muscle Kitchen

Saturday the 14 of February Stuart text my mum and said ‘be there in 15 mins’. Then mum told Sheamus and I to get in good clothes. By the time we got ready Stuart was there. We jumped in the car and we went to Coromandel and we stopped at the Mussel Kitchen. I got battered Mussels and chips with a salad, Sheamus got a Mussel fritter burger and chips, Mum and Stuart had a plate with mussels with 3 different kinds of toppings. That was my extremely fun experience at the Mussel Kitchen.

Thursday 12 February 2015


Monday the 9 of february 2015 I ate my first black tomato. Black tomato’s are a lot sweeter than a normal tomato’s. They are extremely nice on toast. They are quite hard to grow and I grew this one.

Monday 2 February 2015

Stuff About My Self

My Name Is Kieran.

I'm Ten Years Old

I'm A Student At David Street School.

My Favorite Sport Is Basketball.

My Favorite Food Is... 

My Favorite Colour Is...

My Favorite thing Is...