Thursday 17 September 2015

Funny / Sore Days

Funny / Sore Days

One day when I felt energetic I felt like flipping on to the couch and I did so I did it again and again you can probably tell it was fun. After about 4 or 5 times my brother was there sitting by the couch and he pulled off the cushions that were on the couch when I was in mid air… and I flipped on the couch. I started screaming as hard as I can from the top of my lungs I thought I chipped my tailbone I couldn't walk for 2-3 days have you ever done that I bet you haven't. That is my FUNNY / SORE DAYS.


  1. This sounds very interesting and funny I like it.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So what happen to your tail bone?
