Tuesday 30 September 2014

Monday the 29 of September
I went to leap. You ask what leap is.Well it is basically a big trampoline.
It has a basketball hoop and foam pit that you jump in. I did a backflip, a frontflip and a shooting star into the foam pit. There is a big trampoline with trampoline walls. You also play dodgeball. I suggest that you take a drink. It is tiring.

Monday 29 September 2014

Jokes that everyone want to hear:

Why do seagulls fly around the sea ?

Because if they fly around the bay they will be baygulls.

Why did the old man throw butter out the window ?

Because he wanted to see a butterfly.

Why did the chicken cross the road ?

  Because he wanted to see his flat mate.

Sunday 28 September 2014

Wild animals

Don’t you like going to the zoo and seeing smart funny animals? Isn’t it fun and amazing being able to see animals you wouldn’t normally see? I strongly believe that animals should be kept zoos for everyone to see and enjoy.

Firstly, zoos work together to help the animal to keep them safe and make sure that  they don't become extinct.If the animals are in the wild the species might go extinct so the zoos work together so that does not happen.  Zoos help animals to breed so the species does not become extinct.  

Secondly, people can see animals they would never be able to see in the wild. Zoos have animals like lions and tigers which are from Africa.  We wouldn’t normally be able to see them because Africa is so far away. But zoos allow us to see these animals.  

Lastly, the animals enclosures reflect their natural habitat. They have grass, trees and look like the wild so the animal can survive and are happy.
Zookeeper clean the animals enclosures and make sure that the animals are healthy and get to eat whenever they want.

I think that wild animals should be kept in zoos because zoos work together to keep the animals safe, people can see animals they would never see and the animal enclosures reflect their natural habitat. As you can see, I am obviously right!

Saturday 27 September 2014

The writing process

In Writing I have learnt about…

The writing process. The writing process has six steps to help people with their writing. In the writing process there are Goal, Plan, Draft, Edit,Revise and Reflect.With the writing process I now write  with confidence and thats good.
Kind, happy, caring and smart.
Son of Stuart and Kathryn.
Brother of Sheamus.
Lover of tomato soup, swimming and chocolate slice.
Who dislikes Barbies, Bob the Builder and mean people.

Who feels Happy when people are kind, weird when I touch goo and angry when people are mean.

Who needs Help when I'm sad, family to be with and friends to play with.

Who fears Sharks in the sea, magpies when they swoop and lions in the jungle.

Who would like a computer, to go on a cruise ship and to go hunting.

Who would like to visit texas, Hollywood and New York.  

Who lives in Morrinsville, New Zealand.


Thursday 25 September 2014

Hello, Goodbye Poem

Goodbye to the fluffy, hot clothing that keeps me warm.
Hello to the cold, skinny clothing that are not fluffy any more.

Goodbye to the sad, lonely children that are locked in their homes while it is pouring down with rain.
Hello to the charity children, playful children that find their friends everyday.

Goodbye to the wet straying tree that drip now and then.   
Hello to the chilly, naked trees that wave at me.

Goodbye to the old, grandy sheep that have past away .
Hello to the young small lambs that get born every spring.

Goodbye to the old, frozen rivers that crash when people walk on it.
Hello to the rough, shallow  river that people go swimming in all the time.

Goodbye to the cold, white snow that people see on the mountain side.
Hello to the warm, grey stone mountain side.

By Kieran

Wednesday 24 September 2014

This term, I learnt: how to write a persuasive piece of writing. Persuasive writing is meant to persuade the reader to your point.

The thing I enjoyed the most this term: is math it was fun because Emma came in the my class and she is my cousin. !!!awesome!!!

I am most proud of maths whizz because I have achieved heaps.

Next term I want to achieve staying on task

I want to get more faster at getting my work done .

Monday 22 September 2014

Super Silly Slime
  • Psyllium husks
  • Boiling water
  • food coloring

  • ½ cup
  • 1 plasticspoon  
  • 1 polystyrene cup


1. Put 2 teaspoons of psyllium husk in the polystyrene cup.

2. Put ½ cup of boiling water in with the psyllium husk.

  1. Put two drops of food coloring.
  2. Mix until it is thickened and wait till cold.
  3. When cold get it out of the polystyrene cup and play.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

How to make ice cream in a bag

Serves 1 person

  • ½ Cup of milk
  • Tbsp of caster sugar
  • tsp of vanilla essence (any flavorings)
  • 6 Tbsp of salt

  • 1 Small ziplock bag (sandwich size)
  • 1 Big zip lock bag
  • Measuring cups (½, 1)
  • 1 tsp
  • 1 Tbsp
  • A eating spoon to eat with


1. Grab the small zip lock bag.
2. Then fill your small zip lock bag with milk, vanilla essence and caster sugar. Seal the bag.
3. Grab the big zip lock bag and fill the bag with ice. Add the salt to the ice and put the small zip lock bag in the big zip lock bag, seal the bag.
4. Shake the bag for 10-15 mins.
5. Eat and enjoy.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

How to make black sago

Serves 8

1 Cup of sago
¼ of a cup of sugar  
1 Cup of sultanas
1 Cup of currents
1 tsp of vanilla
4-6 Cups of water (start with 4 cups of water then add more if required)  
1 slow cooker

1. Put all ingredient in slow cooker and stir.

2. Stir regularly till sago is clear.

3. Eat and enjoy.