Thursday 30 July 2015

My first try of a persuasive writing this year.

Make Holidays Longer

Don’t you love when you have lots of time to do
what you only want? Well I do. I strongly believe that the holidays should be 3 weeks long not 2. Here are some reasons below why I think the school holidays must be longer.  

School holidays must be longer so that families who want to travel out of New Zealand can. If you go somewhere far away and stay for a couple of day you will come back home and be tired.   

Wednesday 22 July 2015

My Holiday

Mum went to Wellington on the 19th of July 2015 for a funeral director course. This means that they go to Wellington to learn and qualify for their job. It was quite sad when Mum left for Wellington but I know that she is going to come back. Mum's plane was quite big and we waved good bye and went home to nana and poppa’s place.
Mum will be home in 2 weeks time.