Thursday 17 September 2015

Funny / Sore Days

Funny / Sore Days

One day when I felt energetic I felt like flipping on to the couch and I did so I did it again and again you can probably tell it was fun. After about 4 or 5 times my brother was there sitting by the couch and he pulled off the cushions that were on the couch when I was in mid air… and I flipped on the couch. I started screaming as hard as I can from the top of my lungs I thought I chipped my tailbone I couldn't walk for 2-3 days have you ever done that I bet you haven't. That is my FUNNY / SORE DAYS.

Friday 4 September 2015

Room 3 , 4 and 5 are moving in the hall For the rest of the year while the hubs are getting made. Here are some pictures of the hall at the moment.  

This is when we are doing a Scavenger Hunt online.
This is the design that Dss rocket designers
thought of.
This is when we are doing buddy time.
This is when this group is having a talk with each other.

I have hyperlinked a document on to each photo.