Tuesday 30 June 2015



Last Tuesday was the big day. Once all the J-rockers got to school we grouped in the hall and found out what car where going into get to Claudlands. When we got to Claudlands we go to our changing room and put our bags down. All of the J-rockers and stage challengers go the Auditorium and have a party and the teachers played a game to see who is going first. We are first oh no!!!.  

We go back to our changing room and wait for our turn to have 3 rehearsals the first one was fun the but second one was alright and third one was boring I’d just had enough I was tired. Thank goodness that was the third but then there was a long wait...

As I wait I eat all of my lunch and morning tea, I go outside and play tag and jigilo. Then after all
the waiting and stress it is finally our time we are first so we have to give 120% for tonight. I take 1 step 2 step 3 steps and get in precision and the music starts and we start and I have a wonderfull time and the crowd was massive and that was my AWESOME night!!!!.