Wednesday 25 February 2015

Rippa rugby

Yesterday Kowhai team two got taught how to play rippa rugby. It was fabuouls because we got to run around ripping tags off of the balts. We had a game of rippa rugby I didn’t get a try but the blue team won and I was in that team. we got taught by this person called Michael.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Summer Is

Yummy fish & crunchy chips on the beach
bright red sun set blinding us one by one.

I remember getting ice cream from Mr Whippy but when I get back to the house it was gone.

Camping in the back yard with all my friends
screaming on the top of our lungs like baby girls.

I remember my towel getting smushed into the sand.

Having a steaming B.B.Q night after night and staffing all my food down my throat so I can have podding.

Burning hot dogs smothered in tomato sauce frying my tummy when I swallow.


Tuesday 17 February 2015

Muscle Kitchen

Muscle Kitchen

Saturday the 14 of February Stuart text my mum and said ‘be there in 15 mins’. Then mum told Sheamus and I to get in good clothes. By the time we got ready Stuart was there. We jumped in the car and we went to Coromandel and we stopped at the Mussel Kitchen. I got battered Mussels and chips with a salad, Sheamus got a Mussel fritter burger and chips, Mum and Stuart had a plate with mussels with 3 different kinds of toppings. That was my extremely fun experience at the Mussel Kitchen.

Thursday 12 February 2015


Monday the 9 of february 2015 I ate my first black tomato. Black tomato’s are a lot sweeter than a normal tomato’s. They are extremely nice on toast. They are quite hard to grow and I grew this one.

Monday 2 February 2015

Stuff About My Self

My Name Is Kieran.

I'm Ten Years Old

I'm A Student At David Street School.

My Favorite Sport Is Basketball.

My Favorite Food Is... 

My Favorite Colour Is...

My Favorite thing Is...