Thursday 16 October 2014


I feel balls zooming past everybody and smashing in to my face.
I feel the wind of the wild creatures surrounding me.

I smell rotten sweat from human arm pits flying through the air.
I smell the sweet icecream mixing with the sweaty smell.

I see 3 dodgeballs zoom past my face as fast as a rocket ship.
I see 60 rocket launchers launch me high above everyone.

I hear the voices of excitement spreading like wild fire.
I hear people crying because they don’t want to leave.

I wonder if I’ll ever go back there again?
I wonder who will take me back to leap?

Sunday 12 October 2014

On the 11 of October 2014 I went to the gordonton market...
Well that not what the story is about. The story is about what I bought at the market. Befor I tell you what I bought at the market
I need to ask you a question . Do you know what black tomatos are? …. thought not.

I bought a black tomato plant, soap and some lollies.  Today I planted the black tomato in a pot on the deck.  I now have to remember to water it every day.  Do you think that I will be able to remember to water the plant?  I don’t think so.

Saturday 11 October 2014

Me with a dead rabbit and the auto .22lr rifle.

Had a fun time going shooting yesterday afternoon

with Sheamus, Stuart and mum. We all shot a rabbit but Stuart didn’t. I tried to use the 12 gage shotgun my brother said I would fly back but I stayed still. It had a little kick back but that didn’t bother me. Stuart has a auto .22lr rifle, non auto .22lr rifle and a 12 gage shotgun. I use all of them.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

There was a young man called Fred
he had a young boy called Ted.
He went to go see a young lad
that had a big pad.
He had the pad because to clean his bench down

so he doesn't have to take it all the way down town.

Thursday 2 October 2014

Tuesday the 30th of September 2014

I went to jump. If You are wondering what jump is. It is a big trampoline. There are 60 trampolines in the main area, 3 trampolines for the foam pit, 2 trampolines for the basketball hoop and 12 trampolines for the dodgeball court. You should take a drink bottle. It is hard work.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

I am from…
I  am  from . . .
A castle in the middle of town. cosy,tall and full of love. close to my nana and poppa.

I am from…

A family- where celebrations means pork roast and ice cream camping is fun all through the night and cheese sausages in the morning.

I am from…

If you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything.Don’t get your knickers in a knot.The faster you get it done the faster we can go.

I  am  from  . . .

Sewing,road trips and love

saturday rugby and wednesday basketball and everyday FUN.